Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs

Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs

General Information

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 1 minute
Total time: 6 minutes
Servings: 1

Calories - 723| Protein 41| Carbs 45| Fat 41


  • 60g smoked salmon

  • 3 large eggs

  • 2 slices of bread

  • 25g butter

  • lemon juice


  1. Place 2 slices of bread in the toaster and turn on.

  2. Set the stove to a high heat, place the pan on top and add the butter.

  3. Whilst the butter melts and covers the base of the pan, whisk together the eggs in a bowl until they form a smooth liquid. Season them with salt and pepper.

  4. Put the egg mix in the pan, let it sit for about 20 seconds and then scramble it into little bits. After 20-30 seconds it should be ready, you want it to be ever so slighly runny when you remove it from the pan.

  5. It is time to assemble - whack your toast on a plate, place the eggs on top of toast then place the smoked salmon on top of the eggs.

  6. Drizzle with some lemon juice to taste and enjoy :)


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